NAAC Accreditation 2021-22, Complete Step by Step Guide for NAAC Accreditation
20th January 2023
NAAC accreditation is serious deal. There is so much to refer to. There’s lots and lots of data gathering and compilation for last 5 consecutive years, report generation as per NAAC standard formats that has to go hand in hand with the process. It’s also important to analyse the weightage of all the above collected data and it’s concerning with 7 criteria and relevant key indicators.
Whatever robust the process is, we wish to help you get NAAC-ready. Our main intention is to make NAAC appear easy to you and also score high for a higher NAAC grade. We wish that this post will help you to understand the IN & OUT about NAAC from meaning of NAAC, its objectives, NAAC establishment, the vision behind NAAC, the theme on which it is built, NAAC assessment and accreditation process, its importance, grading systems, NAAC Committee, ways to check the NAAC accreditation status, NAAC checklist, NAAC criteria, Institution registration for NAAC portal, IIQA Submission , SSR & Peer team.
What Is NAAC ?
NAAC means, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Which is an autonomous institution established by University Grand Commission of India (UGC) to assess and accredit higher education institution of india. It is an outcome of ‘National Education policy (NPE) 1986 and Plan of Action (PoA) 1992 which is advocated in establishment of an independent accreditation body. Consequently, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) was established in 1994 as an autonomous institution of the University Grants Commission (UGC) with its Head Quarter in Bengaluru.
In simple words NAAC is the National Assessment and Accreditation Council. It is an autonomous body funded by the UGC. The main purpose of NAAC is to accredit or give accreditation to higher education. NAAC aims for quality in higher education.
There are quality parameters based on which NAAC assess the institution and provide grades like A++, A+, A, B++, B+, B & C So on. They expect that minimum quality standards should be maintained in higher education. If any institute gets less than the CGPA > 1.50 the benchmark score, NAAC give them a “Not Accredited status” with D grade.
Earlier, no educational institution needed to be accredited by NAAC. But very recently, UGC has announced that every institution must get NAAC accreditation by 2022. Which is NAAC accreditation is made obligatory for all higher learning institutes by 2022.
The need is more when the state universities strive for UGC grants, financial aid, RUSA grants, as NAAC is linked to the funding for the government-run institutions. while for colleges it becomes more prominent for various grants & credit card students to pocket at the institution.
What is NAAC Mission :
To make quality , the determining element , instrumental in higher education through internal and external quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance initiatives.
There are some 5 missions on which NAAC works,
To arrange periodic assessment and accreditation of higher education and their units.
To stimulate the academic environment to promote Teaching, leaning & research in higher education.
To encourage self-evaluation, accountability and autonomy in higher education institution.
To undertake quality related research studies, consultancy and training program.
To collaborate with other stakeholder of higher education to quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance initiatives.
What is NAAC Accreditation?
So if you are thinking to have NAAC accreditation done means you are thinking for upgrading your institution in terms of better design and implementation of curriculum, improvising Teaching, leaning aspects, more focused on research & its outcome, High-tech classroom with ICT, well equipped & automated libraries & all around campus, more student centric proposition for an outcome based education system and many more for making the entire education system a quality process.
Now coming back to the point, the NAAC is an autonomous body.NAAC's main duty is to assess and accredit all higher education institutions across the country. Universities and deemed-to-be-universities. Back then in the 1990s, the NAAC was still an alien. But now in the year 2020-21, NAAC has been up on its grading line, much appreciated for its transparency in measuring institutes for their quality and grading on much related parameters for an outcome based education.
What is NAAC Core Values ?
Contribution to national development
Fostering global competencies among students
Inculcating value system
Promotion of use of technology
Quest for excellence
In Which Areas NAAC Facilitates the Institutions:
Strength, weakness & opportunities
Areas of planning & resource allocation
New sense of direction
Funding agency
Intra and Inter institutional interaction
Why NAAC accreditation is Important?
There are around 993 universities, 39931 colleges and 10725 standalone Institutions which makes a total of = 51649 Institutions and that is second largest higher education system in the world, catering to somewhat 37.4 millions of students, this is as good as population of Canada.
NAAC, MHRD and other stakeholders suggest every institute to focus on NAAC A&A (NAAC assessment and accreditation process) so that to provide students development through outcome based education and maintain quality in higher education with enormous accreditation benefits.
“If you are not updating it means you are degrading”
– by NAAC adviser, National assessment and accreditation council, NAAC
What is NAAC eligibility for assessment & accreditation (A&A) ?
To appear for the NAAC, an institute should actually be considered eligible. Here are NAAC’s eligibility criteria;
Both Universities and Colleges can appear for NAAC, provided they comply with the following terms.
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), if they have a record of at least two batches of students graduated or been in existence for six years, whichever is earlier, are eligible to apply for the process of Assessment and Accreditation (A&A) of NAAC
All Universities from Central, State, Private and Deemed-to-be and Institutions showing National Importance approved by MHRD/UGC
Provided that these institutions have regular students enrolled in to the full time teaching and Research programmes offered on campus. c. Provided further that the duly established campuses within the country, if any, shall be treated as part of the Universities / Institutions of National Importance for the A&A process. NAAC will not undertake the accreditation of off-shore campuses
All Autonomous colleges/Constituent Colleges/ Affiliated Colleges (affiliated to universities recognised by UGC as an affiliating University)
The institutions’ campuses should be very much in the country to proceed with the Assessment and Accreditation A&A process.
They must have a record of at least two batches of students graduated or been in existence for five years,
Send us the query on :- we shall let you know either you are eligible or not –
NAAC Accreditation process or NAAC Process :
NAAC Accreditation
NAAC’s process of quality assurance is similar to those that are followed by the other Quality Assurance (QA) agencies present worldwide.
According to the Revised Accreditation Framework (RAF) 2020-21 ( Latest Revision by NAAC) the NAAC has a timely step-by-step ICT-enabled accreditation process. The new process Student Satisfaction Survey, Data Verification, and Validation that augments the whole objective of NAAC.
We could feel your pressure to get NAAC accredited. We, therefore, have broken down these three big processes into seven steps, without affecting its flow. We assume you find this easy and helpful to follow.
Here is the order of the nationally accepted NAAC Process,
HEIs registration in the NAAC website
Institutional Information for Quality Assessment (IIQA)
SSR submission on acceptance of IIQA (On rejection, an institute has 2 attempts to RESUME the IIQA form within 1 year)
Proceed to Data Validation & Verification (DVV) process and Pre-qualifier Score
Preparation towards the Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS)
Peer Visit by NAAC
NAAC announces the Institutional Grading
Majorly there are 4 steps in which the entire NAAC Accreditation process is done, which are as follows,
IIQA Submission
SSR Submission
DVV Process
Peer Team Visit (PTV)
1st Stage is IIQA :
First of all an institution needs to get an Institutional login Id from the NAAC Portal simply by registering institution on NAAC Portal. There are no charges for registering institution !
Second institution go for IIQA Submission. For the Submission of IIQA ( Institutional Information for Quality Assessment) mainly the documents required are,
(i) SRA ( Statutory Regulatory Authority ) like UGC / AICTE Extension of Approval (EoA) for Current Academic Year (CAY)
(ii) University affiliation letter for current academic year (CAY) for all programs,
(iii ) All India Survey of Higher Education (AISHE) Registration Certificate,
(iv) Self Declaration regarding programs and courses by Principal
(v) Registration fee: Online through portal – Rs. 25,000 + GST as applicable.
Key Points
Upload first IIQA during the year starting from June; along with prescribed registration fee – Link is open throughout the year.
If IIQA is rejected, two more chances within the same fees – NAAC will communicate reasons f or rejection – overcome deficiencies and upload again,
If IIQA is accepted , upload the SSR on the NAAC Portal within 45 days from the date of acceptance of IIQA along with 50% of the prescribed fees.
In case of failure to upload SSR within 45 days; you will have to start the process afresh along with registration accreditation fees
SSR uploading is now open throughout the year
No hard copy of IIQA & SSR – submission only ONLINE
2nd Stage: Self Study Report (SSR)
NAAC AccreditationSSR Format needs two sets of documents – Qualitative and Quantitative. 41 Metrics for affiliating and 38 for Autonomous Colleges – mostly write-ups. Documents will depend on the claims of attainment we make in our write ups.
In case of Quantitative Metrics, list of documents required are listed in the NAAC Manual and the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), also available on the NAAC Website. They need to be arranged as per list contained in each Metrics or respective SOP. Physical documents to be made in to e-verifiable documents.
Some Key points for DATA & DOCUMENTATION of NAAC
Institutions will have to gather information and corresponding documents year-wise for 5 years. For this, it is important to institutionalise a structured Data/ Documentation MIS Portal for ready availability of data and documents
Make it mandatory for faculty/staff to compile and upload Annual /Semester/Monthly Performance Report, for ready availability of data.
Data Gaps negatively affects averages and weighted score and finally on NAAC Grade !
NAAC GURU with NAAC SSR Software could help you in faster report generation and improve your NAAC grade and the CGPA points. The institution not only gets to collate and upload the complicated NAAC documents easily but also gets to evaluate itself on various parameters and find ways for improvement for that we provide consultancy contact points as well along software.
3rd Stage: DATA Validation & Verification (DVV) :
NAAC Accreditation
This process is simply for 'DOCUMENTS VERIFICATION' in short,
Every claim made by the institution needs to be verified and validated thats why it is called as data validation and verification. Verification is important particularly when claims could be doubtful, manipulated, exaggerated in the SSR. As members of Peer Team, we have come across a lot of even understatement of claims in large number of colleges.
When we talk about prior to 2017, most of the claims used to get verified during PT interaction with faculty/departments/office etc. Yet there was physical verification of relevant documents for which one session was provided during PT visit, when all documents used to be arranged in the institution to facilitate formal verification.
Instructions in the form of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV are available on the NAAC Website to avoid any confusion. You may refer your institution SOP with Manual as per the category, i.e. General Institution, Health Science Institution etc..
SOP has listed all the relevant documents and supporting evidence needed for each of the Matrices.
The Physical Documents to E-Documents:
Any institution seeking accreditation will have to convert the relevant documents from physical to electronic format for online submission and e-verification.The size of data and the documents to be uploaded may vary from institution to institution; but the NAAC Portal may have restrictions.
In case the documents size is more than what NAAC Portal will take, the same may be uploaded on the institutional website with a link to NAAC Portal.For this purpose, colleges will have to make the Website facilitative and dynamic. This will also help colleges to accelerate shift to e-governance and paperless administration.
DVV Timeline & Some other Important Key Points:
Timeline : No flexibility in deviation with respect to Quantitative Data Metrics.
Every claim needs to be supported with documents, such as minutes of meetings, decisions, statements of accounts , letters/ orders/notifications, certificates, approvals, etc as specially mentioned. they are in bulk, hyperlink to the appropriate website may be given.
There is fixed timeline for the entire DVV process, which is to be strictly followed. If not responded with in the stipulated time, whatever values uploaded before expiry of timeline, will be taken as final – no extension of timeline.
Failure to upload full data/documents will adversely affect institutional score. Wherever Asterisk Red Mark* appears, it should be understood as mandatory requirement.
What if Reconstruction of Documents Required ?
Data unaccompanied by relevant e-verifiable documents will make the data redundant . If the documents are not available with the primary external sources (like university, government), institution will have to reconstruct the document from internal sources (office or recipient faculty) – as all the correspondence from the external agencies must have been received by the teacher or college office Such documents will have outward numbers, date and address of the issuing authority along with copy endorsement. Gather missing documents from endorsed entities and upload on your website for e-verification.
4th Stage: Peer Team Visit (PTV)
NAAC AccreditationKey Points :
This stage is called as Pre-qualifier stage (eligibility) for PT visit if :
– DVV is accepted, and Institution scored a minimum 25% score (163/650 Marks) on the Quantitative Matrices (excluding SSS) earlier it was 30 % (195/650 Marks)
PT visit is organized with in 30 days from the date of clearing the pre-qualifier stage
It may be of 1 or two days
PT will confine to the 30% Qualitative Aspects & the institutional SWOC
PT will interact with stakeholders, verify documents, facilities and any other issues which may be referred to NAAC
NAAC accreditation is a robust process , dealing with 7 criteria and several key indicators (KI's) is more complex. NAAC’s criteria require a lot of Data & reports—reports of the big five years as per NAAC required standard formats, which is seems to be a tough and time consuming task. Those oodles of data and documentation are sure to take your time allot. Compiling all of them by yourselves might seem a possible task But be watchful of that whether the data is in formats as required by NAAC or not, Whether the reports could be generated as per required formats or not. Your NAAC accreditation is a serious deal and we deal it seriously and You seriously cannot risk here with NAAC grade.
NAAC Accreditation
We have simplified NAAC accreditation process by developing a NAAC software based on robust 7 criteria and all the relevant Key Indicators (KI's) since technology is the key in all the aspect.
The whole of the NAAC process, if done manually, could wreck your time and efforts. As we mentioned earlier, this is why most institutions go for NAAC Accreditation Software or NAAC SSR Software.
The NAAC Accreditation Software that you choose should streamline and improve the whole institutional process towards getting accredited step by step. Right from the filling of Extended profile to fill data In every criteria and sub-criteria of NAAC, upload supporting document and generate the report as per NAAC standard format as and when required by one click.
Especially here in the NAAC process, in steps like IIQA and SSR, a software’s intervention could help you most. Right here in the IIQA’s data submission to check for the Statutory Regulatory Authority (SRA) compliance and while uploading the supporting documents, NAAC GURU could help. The same goes while uploading Self-study Report (SSR) files and data and while preparing to submit documents related to the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per the proper guidelines and parameters of the NAAC.
NAAC GURU could help you in faster report generation and improve your NAAC grade and the CGPA points. The institution not only gets to collate and upload the complicated NAAC documents easily but also gets to evaluate itself on various parameters and find ways for improvement for that we provide consultancy contact points as well along software.
Why NAAC Focus on Quality ?
Back to the point that we understood earlier that there are around 993 universities, 39931 colleges and 10725 standalone Institutions which makes a total of = 51649 Institutions and that is second largest higher education system in the world, catering to somewhat 37.4 millions of students, this is as good as population of Canada.
NAAC is to focus on Quality in every aspect for NAAC’s A&A assessment and accreditation) process so that to provide students outcome based education and maintain quality in higher education with enormous accreditation benefits.
The Assessment & Accreditation (A&A) process of NAAC is based on 7 letters of Quality:
Q – Quest for Excellence
U – Understanding the concept
A – Action Orientation
L – Learning Centric Approach
I – Innovation for Change
T – Training for Competencies
Y – Year around activities
Back to the point from where we left, NAAC takes a clear peep into the quality aspect of the HEIs.
The Assessment and Accreditation (A&A) have outlined well-strategized quality initiatives, quality sustenance and quality enhancement measures that keep NAAC’s vision focused and intact.
There are on-site observations to monitor and evaluate the institution’s functioning, the self-evaluation process, the involvement of all stakeholders in SSR submission, all show NAAC’s focus on quality assessment.
What are NAAC Criteria and weightages ?
NAAC critically focuses on getting a criteria-based assessment into the following seven areas of higher education.
Curricular Aspects
Teaching & Learning, Evaluation
Research, Consultancy, and Extensions
Infrastructure and Learning Resources
Student Support and Progression
Governance, Leadership, and Management
Institutional Values & Best Practice
NAAC Accreditation
(Uni.=University, Auto.= Autonomous, UG = Undergraduate, PG= Post Graduate)
All these criteria have a list of key indicators and metrics under them.
We would like to repeat here that NAAC has grouped HEIs into University, Autonomous, and Affiliated/Constituent colleges. NAAC has distributed different weightages to these seven categories of institutions based on their focus and types.
• The image below explains the NAAC Assessment Criteria with their scores for Affiliated/Constituent colleges. NAAC has revised its ‘Accreditation Framework for 2020’ and made changes as follows, Total number of Key Indicators (KIs) is reduced to UG-31 & PG-32 from 34 (Previously).
• For Affiliated/Constituent colleges total number of Qualitative Metrics (Ql) is reduced to UG-35 & PG-36 from 41 (Previously) .
• For Affiliated/Constituent colleges total number of Quantitative Metrics (Qn) is reduced to UG-58 & PG-60 from 80 (Previously).
NAAC AccreditationIn short, 121 Metrics were reduced to UG-93 & PG-96.
Also Separate Manual is prepared for affiliated Institutes running UG and PG programs with weightage changes in criteria 3 & 5 while for university and autonomous have no changes.
For Affiliated/Constituent colleges :
NAAC Accreditation
Revised Manuals & Data Templates:
SOP for DVV – Revised Manual of General Universities
SOP for DVV – Revised Manual of Autonomous College
SOP for DVV – Revised Manual of Affiliated UG College
SOP for DVV – Revised Manual of Affiliated PG College
SOP for DVV – Unified Manual of Health Science for Universities
Manual for Others
Source: NAAC Official Website
What is the NAAC Grading System ?
70% evaluation is done through an online mechanism. From this devised online mechanism, the moment the institution submits the report, it completely runs through the whole process of the online software and 70% evaluation is done there itself. The rest 30% evaluation is done by the peer team.
The quantitative metrics are judged by the mechanical system i.e. by this software and the marks are generated over there. While the qualitative metrics are judged by the peer team. So 30% weight-age is given to the peer team and then they compile the whole result. Also, there is one feature that checks how authentic your information is when they run this report in the software and when they generate marks over there.
This entire process is known as data valuation and validation (DVV). This DVV report shows how much deviation is there in the information with you.
So if the information provided has more than a 15% deviation from the real information, then the particular Institute will be declared as blacklisted for one year. And the fees that they have submitted will also be confiscated.
For understanding NAAC Grading System we need to first understand what is NAAC Outcome Report. The final result of the Assessment and Accreditation exercise will be an ICT based score, which is a combination of evaluation of qualitative and quantitative metrics. This will be compiled as a document comprising three parts.
Peer Report will not be given to Institution at the end of the visit (unlike in the past). It will be now sent to NAAC directly.
NAAC will integrate the Reports and Grade given by PT with the System and declare the results and that is called NAAC Outcome Report.
Three parts Accreditation Outcome Report includes:
Part I: Assessment Outcome (Peer Team Report) 350 Marks:
General Info of institution and its context
Criterion wise analysis of Qualitative Indicators (descriptive)
Overall Analysis + SWOC
Recommendations for Q Enhancement (not more than 10 major ones
NAAC Accreditation
Part II:Graphical representation based on Quantitative Metrics (590 Marks)
NAAC Accreditation
Part III: Institutional Grade Sheet
The below image helps you understand the NAAC Grading system better.
As you may see in the above image, there are a total of 8 letter grades namely A++, A+, A, B++, B+, B, C, and D. Universities & Colleges with “A” series grades are believed to impart outstanding quality standards in terms of academics, facilities,develop prospective students & placements.
NAAC AccreditationNAAC Accreditation
Transparency: Mandatory Disclosure
To ensure transparency, upload IIQA & SSR (after DV V process only, in .pdf format) on institutional Website by creating a NAAC Link
Data Templates (in password protected mode, wherever needed)
AQAR year-wise
Accreditation Outcome Report (Certificate, Grade Sheet etc)
What if Institution withdraws SSR ?
Those institute which submitted or does not complete the A&A process, may be allowed to withdraw from the process:
Such institutions will be allowed to apply for A&A only after a period of one year
Shall host the information that has been withdrawn or not completed the process on institute's and NAA C website
The fees paid for A&A process so far will be forfeited.(NAAC: Resolution dated 17'h August 2018)
Quantitative Info will be Third Party System Evaluated and Qualitative evaluated by Peer Team
If there is deviation in the system evaluation/ verification, the institution is liable for penalty or legal action (f or ex: 'claim' could not be verified or sustained at the source mentioned etc)
Penalty includes forfeiting of the accreditation fees paid and that the name of the institution will be sent to statutory authorities for appropriate action
What is Appeal & Re-Assessment ?
If not satisfied : Letter of intent f or appeal with a request to provide Criterion-wise Scores to reach 30 days from the date of receipt of accreditation report from NAAC
Application for appeal in the prescribed format should reach NAAC with in 30 days from the date of receipt of Criterion wise report from NAAC (a long with a non-refundable fee of Rs.1 Lacs + Taxes)
Appeal Committee will consider and make Recommendations to EC, whose decision will be final and binding.
What is Re- Assessment ?
Those who want an improved accreditation status may apply f or Re-Assessment after one year or before three years. The procedure will be same as fresh accreditation.
When to apply for Renewal ?
Institutions are request to Initiate the process during the 2nd half of 4th year .
What to do 2ND Cycle Onwards ?
The methodology for subsequent cycles of accreditation remains the same. Due consideration would be given to the post accreditation activities resulting in quality improvement, quality sustenance and quality enhancement.
In the SSRs institutions opting for subsequent cycles of accreditation need to highlight the significant quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken during the last four years (narrative not exceeding 10 pages).
A functional Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and timely submission of Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQARs) are the Minimum Institutional Requirements (MIR) to volunteer for second, third or fourth cycle accreditation and so on.
Institutions intending to be assessed to continue their accreditation need to apply of fresh by submission of A&A application during the last six months of their validity period.
What is the NAAC accredited A++?
NAAC’s new grading system qualifies the Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) with a grade status.
With the time-tested metrics, patterns, and procedures, it is indeed tough for all higher education institutes to aspire to get A++ grade from NAAC. While the evidential data submission adds to 70% of the total score, the physical verification gives a qualitative contribution of 30%.
To be more precise, HEIs with their Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) ranging between 3.76 and 4.00 achieve grade A++. They are said to have achieved their highest grade of accreditation in the seven criteria
NAAC AccreditationNAAC Accreditation
10 Changes in NAAC’s New Format for Higher Education Institutions (2020)
Weightage of Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS ) is increased to 60 from 50 Marks.
Weightage of Optional Metrics is reduced to 30 from 50 Marks.
Peer Team Visit Pre-qualifier 25% in Quantitative Metrics (QnM) i.e. DVV instead of 30%. (Instead of195 Marks, now the institute will need 163 Marks.)
File upload size increased to 5MB from 3MB.
Total number of Key Indicators (KIs) is reduced to UG-31& PG-32 from 34.
Total number of Qualitative Metrics (Ql) is reduced to UG-35 & PG-36 from 41 .
Total number of Quantitative Metrics (Qn) is reduced to UG-58 & PG-60 from 80.
In short, 121 Metrics were reduced to UG-93 & PG-96.
Separate Manual is prepared for Institutes running UG and PG programs.
An Appeals Committee constituted for the purpose will consider the appeal and make recommendations to the Executive Committee (EC). The decision of the EC shall be binding on the institution. Generally the recommendations may be
Re-DVV, Re-Visit, No Change, etc.
No Changes in Re-DVV (2020 – 21 ):-The clarification process and time lines for Re-DVV is the same as DVV process.
No Changes in Re-Visit (2020 -21 ):-The process of Re-Visit is the same except that the logistic expenses will be borne by the NAAC.
Institutions, which would like to make an improvement in the accredited status/Grade, may volunteer for re-assessment, after completing at least one year, but not after the completion of three years.
The option can be exercised only once in a cycle.
The current procedures, methodology, fee structure and other process including the manual for the Assessment and Accreditation applicable for all institutions applying for re-assessment will be same.
Criteria Wise Changes in NAAC's New Format (2020 -21)
NAAC Accreditation
Criterion 1 : ( Changes 2020-21)
NAAC Accreditation
Criterion 2 : ( Changes 2020-21)
NAAC Accreditation
Criterion 3 : ( Changes 2020-21)
NAAC Accreditation
Criterion 4 : ( Changes 2020-21)
NAAC Accreditation
Criterion 5 : ( Changes 2020-21)
NAAC Accreditation
What is the NAAC Accreditation validity period?
Now, this is an important point you should know of all:
According to a new enhancement made in the year 2017, the Assessment and Accreditation (A&A) have extended its five year period validity to a further two years. But not to all. This is for A+ & A++ accredited institutions
NAAC Accreditation
NAAC Official Old fee structure
NAAC Official Fees: –
1 to 10 departments = 4,42,500/- (inclusive of 18% GST)
(1st fees at the time of SSR=2,21,250/- and 2nd fees=2,21,250/- at the time of visit)
Logistics Fee (Peer Team Visit) = 1,77,000/- (inclusive of 18% GST)
Total Fees Payable to NAAC for Assessment and Accreditation (A&A) Sum (A+B) =6,19,500
> 10 departments Rs. 7,50,000/-** + GST18% Rs.3,75,000/-** + GST18% (50% of Total fee along with the SSR) (Non-refundable)
Professional Institutions: Fees will be charged as per the fee structure applicable to Universities, i.e. Engineering and Technology, Management, Law, Health Sciences (Allopathy, Homoeopathy, Ayurveda, Dental, Pharmacy, Nursing etc.)
NAAC AccreditationNAAC Accreditation
NAAC Revised Fee Structure :
NAAC slashed the fee to a great extent so that each and every institution may go for the quality process.
The Revised Fee is applicable from April 1, 2021 for all those institution which are afresh applying for A& A process. This will not be applicable for the institution those are already under Assessment & Accreditation Process.
Revised NAAC FeeRevised NAAC Fee
Source :
How to apply for NAAC?
HEI's applying for the Assessment and Accreditation review process should be aware of the complete how-to-apply process.
You could read the NAAC official website carefully that explains the registration process with a step-by-step flowchart.
Before you get started, we would like you to be aware of the two window systems, which accepts the applications at two different points in the year, i.e, May 1st – June 30th & November 1st – December 31st. These Timelines for A&A Process in Inaugural window update are as per the Revised Accreditation Framework.
Do not worry, if there are any changes with reference to the dates, we would be updating them right here.
The next is to check their eligibility through the Institutional Information for Quality Assessment (IIQA), online.
We would like you to get back to the NAAC accreditation process once again in this post as the rest of the steps follow the usual Assessment and Accreditation (A&A) process
How to check your Naac accreditation results post PTV ?
NAAC results can be viewed by clicking here on the NAAC official website.
Which is better, NBA or NAAC Accreditation?
The differences between NAAC and NBA accreditations are worth mentioning here.
The major difference lies in the fact that the NAAC accredits the institute, whereas NBA the program(s). Each of their processes and scoring patterns are different too.
NBA is for program(s). It is not for the institution as a whole. If suppose engineering courses are running, for every program of engineering like computer science engineering, Mechanical Engineering etc they can have accreditation by the NBA but having NBA for particular programs even difficult to grab since many institutions are not able to get ahead of pre qualifiers being difficult.
But NAAC is for the institution as a whole. The whole institution is assessed by NAAC. Well, there are some preconditions for the assessment. Also, a minimum of two batches should be passed out of each course. Otherwise, that will not come under the purview of any of the accreditation.
We recommend first to have NAAC accreditation so that institutions are able to establish a quality process and Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) all across the institution first being the stepping stone.
What are the Benefits of NAAC Accreditation ?
To the students:
Expands placement opportunity with international companies and industries showing high preference during placement
An edge over other university students in terms of Teaching Learning process
Gives an instant recognition to alumni that they hail from a credible institute, which ultimately improves the admissions for institution
A definite chance for better academics, exposure with different peers, labs, workshops, opportunities, projects, etc
Accelerates exchange programs with tie-ups from other reputable universities abroad
Win Win for students and faculties for Better intake, Teacher quality, Teaching learning process, Infra & other ICT facilities and resources , eventually a fine tune placements.
To the Institute:
Ease on Fund Mobilization
Allocation of delegation of authorrity
Mainly Research funding agencies gain confidence and allocate projects to professors gets an extra edge
Betters its areas of planning and resource allocations.
brand value
Gains recognition by UGC, which further boosts the research aspect
Offers a positive impact on the institution with its better admissions, superior faculty hiring and brings more efficient employers
Quality & Set procedures for daily institutional activities
Win Win Win situation for Institute, Students, Parents , Alumni & Employers in every aspect
Overall Improvement in the Quality of Education
The quality has increased and improved because NAAC also does internal quality assessment assurance.
Self IQAC is also a must; every college should have an IQAC centre, which will ensure the quality of every process that takes place and that it is managed.
Then mandatory internal audit has also been made. Administrative audits, an academic audit is mandatory.
Transparency also has increased. Everything has to be uploaded on the website, hence manipulations are less.
Did you know ?
“NAAC has Changed it Accreditation Framework”
NAAC's New Accreditation Framework (2020-21) : Latest
Process starts with IIQA
SSR is integrated with Qualitative/Quantitative Matrices & DVV
No hard copy – submission only online
IIQA I SSR open for submission throughout the year now
Introduced Optional (Non-applicable) Metrics (Appendix 3 & 4) subject to a maximum of 30 Weightage. Such institutions will be accredited out of 970 weighted score instead of 1000.
Introduced almost 70% online verification of documentary evidences by third party
UG-PG distinction is made in a few metrics and Weightage
Introduced pre-qualifier f or peer team visit: as 25% of system generated score (excluding SSS).
Introduced system generated scores with combination of online evaluation (about 70%) and peer judgment (about 30%)
Student Satisfaction Survey directly administered by NAAC
concurrently with DVV
Introduced time-lines (limits) and penalties
Institutions under 12B too will have to now pay accreditation fees which will be reimbursed on submission of UGC letter of sanction of Development grant, but only when NAAC receives grants from UGC (details of fee structure in the Manual)
AISHE (Code) – Reference No. is made mandatory for Registration ( llQA) / NAAC
AQAR is mandatory from 2nd Cycle onwards, and to be uploaded online before 31st December every year in the new format from 1st Jan 2019
Manual differ for different types of institutions and are available on the NAAC Website. Use the one that applies to your institution
Did you know ?
The Colleges that could not submit documents due to lockdown, can do so within three months after commencement of academic schedule !
NAAC extends accreditation validity for Higher Education Institutions (Considering COVID 19 pandemic) !
The validity of the accreditation for colleges, which expired during the period of lockdown, has been extended from March 1 to December 31 2020.
The Academic Advisory Council (AAC) of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), an autonomous institution of the University Grants Commission (UGC), that met recently decided to extend the validity due to the pandemic.
Those colleges which had permission to submit the documents before March 2020 but could not submit due to lockdown, could now submit within three months after the commencement of the academic schedule in their respective states. However, they must intimate the same to NAAC, according to NAAC executive committee member Prof. Y.L. Srinivas.
After a detailed deliberation, the AAC also suggested that NAAC be considerate to colleges while defining the Academic Year for Assessment and Accreditation as sought by the colleges. The committee suggested that for the academic years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021, depending on the spread and intensity of the pandemic, the academic schedules will differ from State to State or university to university, and NAAC may relax the condition making flexible and open ended provisions for deciding the academic year.
Through this, institutions will be permitted to make the submissions as and when they complete the academic year. Further for those who have already submitted their applications, in view of the pandemic situation, it suggested that NAAC may consider extension of time for submitting the data, including the academic year 2019-2020 within three months from the government notification to resume the normal academic activities and completion of the conduct of examinations and other academic processes by the colleges.
Extension of revised timeline to submit pending AQARs
(Considering COVID 19 pandemic)
It is hereby notified that the revised timeline is extended from 31st May 2021 to 31st August 2021 for online submissions of pending Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQARs) of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to NAAC due to COVID 19 pandemic.
The last date for online submission of the academic year 2020-2021 AQAR remains 31st December 2021.
Read the Notification
Source : NAAC Official Website
Which data to be considered for the Academic Year 2019-20 & 2020-21 (Considering COVID 19 pandemic)
In continuation to NAAC notification dated 10th July 2020 notified in the NAAC website which is available in the following web link And in continuation to NAAC notification dated 31st December 2020 notified in the NAAC website which is available in the following web link
It is hereby notified to all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that the definition for the academic year 2020-2021 is from 1st June 2020 to 31st December 2021 for NAAC SelfStudy Report (SSR) and Data Validation Verification (DVV) purposes only, due to COVID 19 pandemic.
However, If the HEI submits the SSR before 31 December 2021 then the data submitted in the SSR will be frozen as on date of submission of SSR and HEI can not include the activities conducted beyond the date of submission of the SSR.
Source: NAAC Official Website
1st December 2021
17th February 2021
3rd August 2020
29th May 2020
25th January 2020
4th November 2019
10th October 2019
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